bush's attorney general, michael mu casy and alberto gonzalez before that. what's the difference between what republicans are doing to eric holder right now and what the democratic majority did to michael mukasey and alberto gonzalez? >> well, i -- in the house, our con term. of congress was addressed to josh bolton. i can't speak to the other cases. they never came to a vote on the senate floor. in the house, however, we did take a vote on the floor and the circumstances are quite different. we were talking about political intervention in the hiring of u.s. attorneys or having them retain their positions, the political intervention from the white house & in a very political manner. i think far be it from me to speak about this issue because our elija cummings was so very, very proud of him and the way he had conducted his role in the hearing yesterday, in a very fair way, in a very fair way, but the particulars of the cases are very different and as you know, we won our case and the court ruled in our favor, and i can only speak to our own experience in the