here his tone a way that he's reaching out you know it's a first step in his role as the pontiff michael navarre perhaps a representative of what you would call a conservative catalysis and he has to say that what a pity that we have such stupendous pope john paul the second and pope benedict people will think that the church is made by men. as roman catholics we have to trust the holy spirit and i'm confident you know the holy spirit will guide the church. talking about the experience here because it's people don't have a problem with the holy spirit they have a lot of problems with the catholic church doctrine that they have a problem with well you know here's the thing when you bring in a new head of the organization you do so to address the. fundamental issues that are that are a cancer in the organization and let's be very clear about this why while this pope pope francis has spoken out against. capitalism you know negative capitalism making money as a god and i am i am heavily paraphrasing there. let's be real jesus in the temple turned over the money changers tables that's doctrine that a