. >> michael nulty. executive director of alliance district six. it is not every day we have three in district six on the agenda. all right. in regards to 137 geary, i want to recognize that lower polk neighbors is not for this license. i happen to be a paid member of lower polk neighbors. so, you know, i want to recognize there are other community groups besides the community leadership alliance and, you know, every group has their own opinion and does their own thing. but the applicant did come to alliance for better district six meeting, did talk to us. so we are going to remain neutral on this because we -- we also want to respect the concerns of theser community organizations when they have interests. they -- my understanding any problem that they currently is happening along lower polk is that there are many bars and there are tour buses and many concerns that the residents have about noise. noise abatement. we are not sure how these things impact. we will stay neutral on this. i have done several site reviews on the amsterdam. i do see peopl