i see michael nulty. go ahead. >> yes. this is michael nulty. seems to me that there is still misunderstanding about why somebody gets i medallion the parameters and how they maintain it. and soundses like the sfmta is coming down heavy handed on the medallion holders for various reasons and there seems to be conflicts and issue going on. i would try -- support an idea of a continuing this. and -- item 8. because -- it is only fair that there would be some more clarification and could be pending legislation. i would push i would push for pending legislation because the fact that we need to increase our tourism in san francisco and one of the ways tourists get around is ride share and taxi. taxis have been the min stay for year in our city and we need to continue to support tourism. in all forms. thank you. why we'll hear from evelyn. go ahead. >> can you hear me, julie? >> yes, woeful can. thank you. >> yes. there are rules we have rules -- and the ability to trust them is what allows a society to function. some of the rules are reasoned, others