michael o'reagan comes over to america. he has children. one of which is john michael reagan now for the first time reagan. who be gets jack reagan, john edward, that's my father's father. so what did i find when i actually started looking at my father? getting past all of the family history and stuff. well, we think of him, i think, i do, as a sort of big strapping, confident kind of guy. you know, not afraid of anything. what would scare him? but when he was a little boy, it turns out, he was a little boy. he was undersized as a youth. his family moved around a lot. he was the new kid in school. perennially. he was picked on my bullies, he was chosen last for games in the playground, and he spent a lot of his time alone. he spent a lot of his time in places like the attic of a rental house in gailsberg where they lived, where the previous owner had left strange artifacts as he saw it up in the attic. he would spend his time in the dusty sun beams in the attic, going through all of the stuff birds and strange plants. many who had seem to co