and in washington, d.c., michael omer-man. director of research for israel and palestine at democracy for the arab world now. that's a non-profit organization that supports human rights in the middle east and north africa. a very warm welcome to each of you. thanks so much for joining us here on "inside story.” nour, i'm going to start with you. can you give me your reaction to this week's move? >> well, i think we have to look at this as part of the big picture, which is that this is a government that has a very clear agenda. it is working to permanently colonize the land, and that includes reversing a very symbolic withdrawal from these settlements at the time of the unilateral exit from gaza. those supplements were never -- those settlements were never returned to the palestinians, the land was never returned to its owners, and so now this is just a a one way to signal to the constituency of this right-wing government that it will push ahead with settlement construction and expansion with taking over really the rest of the