michael oppenheimer, a veteran of the climate wars. he was chief scientist for the environmental defense fund, and is now a professor of geosciences at princeton university. in 2007, he was part of a group of scientists who won the nobel peace prize for their work on climate change. wonderful to have you here, doctor. >> happy to be here. >> how should we understand, i think when you say to people, okay, we're headed the towards two degrees of warming or three degrees of warming, four degrees of warming. i think to myself, well, i sit in my room and i put the thermostat from 68 to 72, and that's a little different, maybe i take off my jacket, but that's not a huge amount. how should we think about those numbers? >> what really hurts us and makes us vulnerable to the climate is not the average. it's the extremes. and it's the extremes that change a lot when the average just changes a little. so even if earth only warms about five degrees fahrenheit, which is the average prediction for this century, we're going to see sea level rising be