have at about invocation we want to start welcome warming san francisco interfaith director be michael pappus michael (clapping.) let us bow our heads in prayer oh, mighty educator of the united nations u universe i fixed the earth on your foundation we are humid when the forces of nature temporary shift the ground on which we walk in those moments of vushlthd we're reminded of our limitations and yet having fashioned us in our lickness we see beyond temporary surviving that through our relationships with one another we like the phoenix rising from the ashes arises stronger with greater commitment to seek the greater good rather than that satisfies our perm vaifrz values on this the 25 anniversary of literally we gather to pause and reflect we pause and reflect brown upon our 63 boggs who lost their lives on this traffic day and intranscribe their names in our book of life we pause and reflect upon those who risked their lives then and now in particular your firefighters and police force in turn we pray you granted them endearment in time to make critical decisions and should have felt them w