i spoke with journalist michael penn, who o joined us from toko. ked him how expertsts reactd the japanese government's handling of ththis crisis. michael: the japanese government'handling of the issue e has been w widely critid by health h expertrts inside ja, why the opopposition pararties,d more impliciciy by foreieign governmentnts as well. japan has begun to release, , as you mentioned, 500 peoplele so r intoto the generalal population. and the e contention of f the japanesese government is that te 54 peoplple confirmed to h have caught the cororonavirus on boad the ship all had it two weeks ago, when the quarantine began, but most all o other experts a e saying no, a actually, t the coronavirurus has been spreadidg during thehe quarantinee period. if that is the case, thehe japanese govovernment is p proby unwise to be letting people leave the ship at this time. charli: right, not really an effective quarantine if it is spspreading g on board. michael, we have to talk about the 20 olympic games, or coming up in just a matter of m monthsn japan