my hat is off to michael pollan and alice waters. we used to eat real food.ow all we are eating, we are eating stimulators to ourselves and we are stimulating the reward circuits. >> but we also need to do manual labor and have a woman at home to cut the. we didn't need to eat fast food. >> i won't get into the last one. i will stay away from. [laughter] >> but look, there is no doubt that my grandmother, you know, there was sugar, fat and salt. that was occasional. i didn't have it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. i didn't have it throughout the day. that is what the change for the last, but understand, making it available and socially acceptable on entrant and adding, look at an ad tonight on tv that it is not about nutritional night of food. it may be the economic value. but look at what the ad does. it is adding the emotional loss, you will want it that you will love it. it is the social acceptability to want this product, and once you add that social acceptability, you are only amplifying the reinforcing circuits and amplifying the brain's response. than