what's the michael pollan bad eating?, like everybody, i struggle with quantity, when to stop. i love to eat. i love food. i have my junk food favorites. i have kind of a weakness for cracker jacks, i'll admit that. my point in the film is we shouldn't stress so much about that. it's not the special occasion food. it's the everyday, default practice. it's not having a soda, it's having a soda every day. so if you get the basic default down, you can indulge. one of my food rules is borrowed from oscar wilde, all things in moderation, including moderation. >> brown: "in defense of food," michael pollan, thank you so much. >> thank you, jeffery. >> ifill: finally tonight, we thought the holidays seemed a good time for an encore look at author ylonda gault's take on a particularly challenging family personality: the bragging parent. >> it will start innocently, a chance run-in. i will see a fellow mom at the grocery store or the park, maybe a coffee shop. i will say, "hey, girl." we will hug. at least i will, because i'm a hu