michael pregent and mike baker will join us shortly on the phone. you have extreme expertise in this area of the world. it will be a while before we know how this shakes out. but from an initial look-see, a lot of experts say this could be good news for america. >> we don't know, it's a fluid situation. i just got off the phone with an inside source before i got on the air and president erdogan has gotten on skype and asked people to go to the streets. and that he's still in power. charles: i have seen the photos of him on the internet on skype. but if someone is on skype, you are not going to get a lot of confidence from the guy in charge and you look out your window and the military has a tank in your front door. >> there are reports his seaside resort is surround by the military. the question becomes within the fractions within the army, who is in charge and what's going on. this is such an important region for the united states that i can't tell you how nervous our hearts are. charles: now as you hear gunfire and shots and maybe the turkish chie