shoplifting epidemic is set to be spreading throughout new york, a video posted online by act, and michael rapaport quickly went viral after it apparently showed a man brazenly walking out to the manhattan store with bags full of stolen goods and is that to be a scene being increasingly painted throughout the sissy, reporting from new york case kind of open shocking videos of brazen thieves running out of stores with apparently stolen goods has highlighted the rise in shop lifting in new york i new york city police department says there is a high of retail crime recently. some say it's a defun, the police atmosphere, combined with a prosecutor's soft on crime approach, as well as the economic fall out of the pandemic. this is what the new york city police department and she loved crime control strategies had to say on it. we have over 1700 individuals over the past year that have been arrested for 3 or more shoplifting or ass. when you look at those individuals, a very small percentage are actually incarcerated right now today. now what's scary about the new wave of shoplifting is often the people