and you that emily miller had dated michael scanlan. i knew that michael scanlan had left the office and work for abramoff. that is this something i knew about. when abramoff was first charged or when the story first broke about abramoff, i started mining that bread. it just seemed like an interesting relationship to help. texted she'd talk about that relationship to you? >> no. they were out on the eastern shore. they have probably taken yet on all their real-estate holdings -- taken a hit. michael scanlan has been the big winner. >> was there a lesson in this whole abramoff story? there is a documentary and also a movie but kevin spacey coming out. >> right. the only lesson has been for staffers to watch out. a lot of the rules that were in place before are similar to rules that are in place now. the rules in place now are stricter. young staffers would be hard on capitol hill and sort of do what everyone else did. before there was a rule that could exceed you could not accept more than $50 in gifts or meals or sports tickets. people