caller: good morning, thank you, c-span for having people like michael scheuer, i respect this man tremendouslynd, sir. thank you. caller: you don't pull any punches which is great. mr. scheuer, i got one question for you, who do you think is probably the most dangerous politician, republican or democrat that we've had in the last 30 years that has helped expedite the thing with the terrorism and their attacks on the united states? is it one person? is it many? who's responsible for this? guest: sir, i don't think there's a nickel's worth of difference between the two parties in terms of foreign policy. they have made it their business to lie to the american people to insist that somehow we're being attacked because of what we think here in north america or how we live rather than what the united states government has done. and the core of the problem is intervention in other people's business. part of that intervention, unfortunately, is necessary. we have to defend the saudis. we have to defend them because we depend on oil but our support for israel, our intervention in south sudan, for exam