michael schifferol. he's a do not retain this year. by the state rules, the writeup problems like where he went to school, his old private practice, what he does in the community like being an honorary member of the koshari dancers. what's that? this. four paragraphs in total. it's not until the last half of the last one that you see why he should lose his job. we call this burying the lead in the news world. >> we're always trying to figure out how to make it as readable as possible. >> reporter: should they reexamine the rules? >> sur i don't think any of these programs are perfect. >> reporter: to be honest, we in the news media could also do better. we don't tend to cover judges races. let's fix that. these are this year's do not retain judges. michael schifferol. he is told to have poor legal writing, appears too chummy with his courtroom and doesn't said she's bias towards the prosecution. jill-ellyn straus and shiferol, the experts are begging you to fire them. and chances are, you won't. >>> firs