one woman did ask you had mentioned i you mentioned michael schwab could say the last name one more time for us. yes, schwab. yeah. c h w a e, b e michael. maybe that's why we couldn't quite get it to work with. yeah. so that work is not yet published in a journal okay. but does have one paper out called the objectivity illusion, which is a really powerful paper that find it themes. and then one question that i liked in debbie posted earlier this in the session, she says, why people drifting toward groups based on community, caring, faith, etc. instead of hate groups. what a great question. yeah, i thought so too. a great question here. you know, i'm i'm just not sure. maybe there's just not enough around these communities of love and caring. i mean, i don't know. i don't quite know. but there are like little in our neighborhood where these moments happen at cafes, bars, right down the street where these moments of connection are possible, you know, to go a church or community, you could just be kind in the in the in the safe way for this. so i think it's not much about a physical place.