. >> reporter: including a 17-year-old boy named michael sclawy-adelman who first went into scoutingarents say michael was in fit physical condition and determined to do that hike. >> i spoke to him on the phone while they were on their way to the church to be dropped off. and the last thing he said was, i love you. >> reporter: the hikers set off at approximately 9:00 that morning. three boys, led by scoutmasters howard crompton and andrew schmidt, who noticed the heat was getting to the boys at about 1:00 when the hike was half completed. they weren't eating much because they were extremely hot, crompton is quoted as telling police. in his own handwriting he described the ordeal that began at mile 15. "mike began to seem dizzy. we had him sit down to rest and drink water. after about 20 minutes, mike got worse. he seemed to be choking. i turn him on his side. he vomited. i cleared his mouth. he stopped breathing." an hour and a half after stopping the hike, he placed a call on his cell phone. >> 911. what is the address of your emergency? >> reporter: the florida trail. we're hikin