none of that happened to michael shaara. think about 1975, end of the vietnam war. nobody in this country wanted to read a book about generals. was as unpopular subject as you could imagine. my father was a master of bad timing. crushing blow to him was the killer angels' faded away. unless you were in the military, i've talked to some people today who were command staff at leavenworth, if you were at west point or the military academy it was required reading. if you were a military officer or civil war buff in the 70s and there were some you might have picked up killer angels otherwise you never heard of it. the book just faded away until 1993. in 1993 the movie gettysburg came out which is based on the killer angels, ted turner's great risk, he risked millions of dollars to put that book on the screen at for the first time the killer angels, on the strength of the film became a new york times bestseller, 19 years after it was published. for four weeks it was number one on the new york times best-seller lists. 19 years later, years after my father's death. he did n