the book we have for this year is michael shaven's upcoming novel called, moonglow. it is well written and we look forward to getting together with groups of people and that could be friends talking about it or groups that assist at a synagogue or jcc and discussing the book and getting a lot out of it. >> if someone is interested in participating, how do they connect to you? >> go to community jewish and learning about the program or coming to the library . >> one of the wonderful things about the jewish community library and book month, we get to feature an author. welcome, michael. you wrote a book. let's jump in and tell us what is your book all about? >> about a little girl who becomes an advisor to the sultan of the ottoman empire maybe changes the course of history. >> is it complete fiction or somehow based a little bit? >> like a historical context that is real but the idea of a little girl becoming an advisor to the sultan is made up. >> people who read books like to know, how did an author come up with that idea. what did it take to get that id