but he begins the video by quoting liberally from my first guest, michael shawer, the former head of the cia bin laden desk at this time cnn is not comfortable showing this video because the network believes that he was filmed under der duress. he said let's get to the point with a quote from former cia chief turned vigorous anti-intervention campaigner michael scheuer. president obama does not have the slightest intention of defeating the islamic state, he says, which would require the aerial slaughter and boots on the ground demolishing of the mujahadin. michael is considerable ads 18 years into our war with the islamists the u.s. government has given no public sign that it has the slightest awareness of what its enemies are fighting for. and he ends the video with another quote with michael who joins me now. you ran the bin laden unit at the ciat alex station. i kau a tabulation in "time" this week. they said that since 2007, you have been quoted in propaganda videos and the like from isis and other splinter groups from al qaeda, no less than 16 times. why do they keep quoting you