. >> jon: joining us now, michael shearer, thanks for being here. i want to lead with the headline that your paper put on top of your article. it says more wins republican senate primary, dealing blow to g.o.p. why is this considered a blow to republicans? >> because the established party towards the end of this race, white house advisors on the president have been speaking some kind of coherence. they want to fill the body in the senate so they can more ably control to win things like tax reform, when things like obamacare repeal and replace come up. it's easier for them to wrinkle the votes they need to get things through. roy moore ran against that establishment and he has promised to be a very disruptive force, well along the lines of someone like senator rand paul or ted cruz from texas. there is millions of dollars that were put into this race by very deep-pocketed republican groups to try and prop up strange, to try and stop more and in the end that failed. >> jon: it was such a weird race. steve bannon was supporting roy moore while the pres