words of dylan thomas with this expert of "do not go gentle into that good night" performed by michael sheenuld see with blinding lights, me, and rage rage against the dying of the light, and you, my father, there on the sat height. list me now with your fierce tears. i pray do not go gentle into that good night. rage. rage against the dying of the light. >> how has poetry or literature more generally been a comforto >> a lot.g thisime? literature contains us. you could use the image of the bowl and literature is the bowl that holds us. you can rebnd, go into the literature to comforyou, to provoke you. i found myself thinkg of odysseus, whgoeso the land of the dd, breaks all the bottles, because he comes out again. the more pple spoke to me about the coma and how near i was to death, i use that image. i started finding that ima very comforting that odysss got in and got out again, the idea of getting past cerberus, the guard dog, so literature is a great comfort and a great place to go. julia: your books have taken very difficult things and -- for example, "the missing" discusses the second