you solicit the input and the analysis from michael shuman who economicough asian crises and is gettinge bit worried about what they might do next. then: this goes back to 1997 asian financial crisis as one that people have forgotten. and whattpaced by 2008 we call the global financial crisis. but it was triggered by of the thai it spiraled. on an predicated extraordinary rise in debt levels as a percentage of gdp. he traces that again to the extraordinary rise in debt before the global financial crisis. and as that debt level rises, this is triggering the same kind of alarm bells, some of the massrate action for numbers that should be an alarming sign. and people forget the lessons of the 1997 crisis, they have been replicated. only once, shame on you, for me twice, shame on me. fascinating to me is the reporter that covered the financial crisis, that we don't learn the lessons. it will not be similar to the first. it may be a type of hedge fund, a shadow banking thing. the auto loan credit market, for example, right now. if we look at that, we may be able to prevent some of t