chairperson breed, supervisor tang, my name is michael skahill. i was a member of 2013-2014 civil grand jury for the city and county of san francisco. today i'm pleased to present the jury's report on the operation and programs of the san francisco jails. this report is a product of cooperation and agreement. this report would not have been possible without the cooperation of people in the san francisco sheriff's department, the five charter schools and adult education programs, the jailhouse services division of the department of public health as well as the staff of the san francisco general hospital, and members of the san francisco police department, as well as jail inmates. this report presented findings through discussion and through numerous site visits, many interviews and comprehensive literature review and evaluation of pages and pages of documentation. there is no requirement that a report be generated by the jury. however, the 2013-2014 civil grand jury has generated a report that contains four findings and 13 recommendations. regardin