we will go to michael slinger , director of google fiber cities. >> thank you for the invitation to testify about investment in in broadband infrastructure. we have long believed the next chapter of the internet will be built on gigabit speeds. this brings it up for everyone in the home for all devices. we know fast connections on these innovation and entrepreneurship. if today, we are riding a bike, we could be driving a race car it is that much faster. that is why we are promoting google fiber, uploads and downloads of 1000 megabits per second. this makes it faster, more useful, world relevant for everyone. launched the service five years ago and it is in kansas city, kansas city missouri, and austin. we are exploring bringing it to another for on top of that. we build a service from scratch, one street, one house, one wool at a time. this means working together with cities. this has given us insight into barriers to employment. well the fcc has improved rules our own experience demonstrates that more work needs to be done to reduce delays and barriers. second policymakers can ease the we