my name is michael smith wick. i'm the executive director of my tree compassionate care. we are a 15-bed residential facility providing 24-hour nursing care to san franciscans with advanced aids. in need of hospice, end of life care, and encouraging them now, we're starting to bring in residents who have advanced aids with medical frailty where we can stabilize them over a period of months to send them back into the community for a second chance at life. we are -- have served over 1,000 san franciscans in our 26 years and have always had a waiting list. we've already absorbed at my tree cuts from last year-end of ryan white contract. so, this latest round of cuts would be in addition to that. we absorbed those cuts so far by -- without impacting our resident care by aggressively reducing our administrative overhead. in fact, we've reduced our total operating budget by more than 20% over the last few years. in essence, we've cut to the bone. additional cuts would almost certainly mean we'd need to leave beds empty since we'd be unable to afford the nursing care that licens