washington redskins owner, dan snyder under pressure to change the team's name improved the condition of native americans. image consultants point to nfl quarterback, michaela dog fighting ring. >> you know who i am. >> reporter: after being released, partnered with the humane society. >> if you see animal cruelty in your neighborhood, speak up. >> reporter: for sterling, a pay off. numerous honors, including a lifetime achievement award from the los angeles naacp in 2009. he promoted his giving, often taking out full page ads in local newspapers. her organization will never again take his money. >> i would like to see him not be a public figure we have to deal with. i think he's cooked his own goose and i want him to stew in it. >> the consultant we talked with said that view is going to be shared by a lot of organizations. this time, he's not going to be able to donate his way out of controversy. nora? >> thank you. >> i like her line, he doesn't like black people. it makes you wonder, why is he involved in an nba sport. look at polo. look at the horses and all the horses. he should look at polo. just a suggestion. nobody asked me. >> you weighed in on t