20th century knowledge on china, what can we take from spence forward through pills barry in the future? -- through pills barry in the future? michaelch china expert looks like he may be the best of them all. he has 12 books, translated into english. he says jonathan spence is too narrow focusing only on china's struggle to get over humiliation and become a strong power. the french guy, six of his books are in english. he is saying china really wants to become number one and has fought this for 2000 years. there is some compatibility. both see china as wanting to be strong but professors in paris say they will not stop it to state he will. olivia: what is the fault line for china? michael: what they are most afraid of? olivia: no, what makes them become a superpower? michael: when they triple our economy. when they get to triple, that is when they say with a will be a world leader. they assure us that they will be virtuous and we are all going to like it. brendan: coming up, we are taking a look at vaccinations the rate of vaccinations, the rate of exemptions. the single best chart. which states have the highest number of exemptions