increase leasing and extend the leases that has been delayed by certainly welcome his attention to michael stich of alaska because we have of course tremendous untapped oil and gas resources. but our problems have not only the related to policing the bit to the permitting side as well so i am hopeful this is just a start and that the administration will quickly issue permits stalled all across the country right now. likewise i believe the work of the committee can simultaneously increase energy production and safety of the operations. i think we all recognize certain events and perhaps certain non-evens and whether that means removing the provisions for a new bipartisan commission or reacting to the addition the interior department and specifically has been in over its moratorium and its petroleum. we've also seen that the land act really does house and teach with all those actions are under review but as a practical matter the land act obviously provided sufficient authority to implement a moratorium, and even after that to hold off on natural and permits until there was a much greater degree o