. >> michael sweeney has a beautiful quote, marriage is for healing, affecting and exalting of the spouse, that is very good. the healing, as you said, all the things that we didn't get, when i'm in a relationship, i can see that might be so. >> i see marriage as a frightening thing, i'm a very reserved person but you are exposed to that other personnel, and you are out there being known and that is not entirely attractive. on the one hand you can see the benefits of it, she knows when she cares about me, but on the other side, this is a full-time job. >> it is first corinthians 7, verse 28, st. paul says he who marries has troubles in this life. and the couples always look at me and say, why are you telling me this? because i get these phone calls, they say they have troubles. because they are not perfect, and when we have this mirror in front of us, we see our imperfections and marriage is the vehicle that god uses to become better lovers, to learn how to love which is very difficult. >> that is good, yes, and we are going to learn more about that. we will come back with the final segme