michael tanner on the under belly of this bee yo are not getting much news on what is going on. >> essentiallynce company to keep costs down, to participate in the networks are cutting back on who they cover, how much they pay hospitals and doctors, and result is that networks are shrinking, many of e best hospitals and best providers are no longer partipating in network that the insurance companies provide. that means that if you are one of those people forced to change your insurance plan, your new plan may not cover you in some of the best institutions in the country. neil: all right, a lot of people, god forbid if they have cancer, or a neurological disease, they need the treatments and images and that, they go to the hospitals for, that now these hospitals are not a part of that, you are in a world of hurt? >> you can pay out of network. if are your network does not cover say sloan-kettering, you can pay out of pocket. new york state not a sung el single insurance plan on exchanges pays for any cost out of network, you pay the entire cost yourself out of pocket. neil: is there an option o