. >> supervisors, michael terrio, san francisco construction and trades council. i'm not going to talk about jobs. i do understand something about asymmetric negotiations having sat down on them in the past. when you come out of those negotiations, you have a deal. and i realize you as the members of the board of supervisors were not involved in that deal, but the sailing center was. i would ask them to respect that deal. certainly we all thought there was one. certainly when we came to the treasure island development authority meetings a couple of years ago. with regard to the resolution itself, it is mom and apple pie, much of it. you know, respect for youth sailing and support for youth sailing, unarguable. preservation of eel grass beds, unarguable, and i do understand what that is having picnicked on that beach before the sailing center was already there. and yet, that resolution, there are items in it that will be viewed as binding even though they are not precisely binding. when you do negotiate the lease agreement for the -- for the marina, and i so think