when former stockton mayor michael tobin was a child, his father went to prison and he was raised by his mother, aunt and grandmother. his wife, author and scholar, tackles mother heard in her book, the three mothers. how the mothers of martin luther king jr., malcolm x, and mes baldwin shaped a nation. the two speak candidly about how mothers are often overlooked and how it is beyond time to shine light on their power. >> thank you for being here. let'turn a little bit to your work, which is about highlighting and bringing up the profiles of women and mothers in particular. this was your doctoral dissertation that you turned into your debut book. which has done extremely well. tell me about how you chose this subject. >> i have to say, i had an incredible mother who was a lawyer that advocated for women's rights in the u.s. and abroad. everywhere we lived she told me to pay attention to how mothers were being treated in each society, that society would do well and if they weren't, that society would not be able to accomplish whatever goals they had. so when i started my phd, i wante