michael waring, who did a great job, to head up our basra development effort and through the beginning of 2007 as i visited iraq and as tony blair made his new statement, in the house of commons, we were planning what we called overwatch and would move from tactical overwatch as we were there as the forces but iraqis were involved in the maintenance of stability and law and order, and then we'd move to what we called operational overwatch, which gave the iraqis far more control themselves, of their own affairs, and we moved then to strategic overwatch which what is we eventually did and stood back, the iraqis had the control of their own security and we had a reintervention capability if it was necessary. so at one and the same time we followed through this political and military security, if you like, economic strategy, at the same time, our troops were positioning themselves so that iraqis could take more responsibility for their own affairs and it went into deeper commitment to all of these things, during the course of 2007 and 2008. >> in terms of timetable, your visit to the u.s.,