their founder, michael wolff, also writes a column on line in his "off the grid" section. he says that the newspaper industry is dying. let's give the consumer something new. one of those things that is new is customizable pages. use their great scroll bar to see the hard news and the soft news, and choose anything in between. let's go to the extreme for all soft and see what the grid gives us. that's pretty soft. celine dion and big bird. next up is jan's j-lab. they're transforming journalism today and reinventing it for tomorrow. in their cool stuff section they highlight some great things that other sites are doing: games, quizzes, as well as some maps. in their map section, they have this great thing called trends maps. this is where you can find out what's happening on twitter as you watch, find out locally or internationally. click on the area you're interested in and see what's happening on twitter right now. highlight any one of the words to follow the conversation as it happens. jan, why is watching trends online so important to news? >> well, any good journalist