janet ray, johnson, gilman, and jennifer fredeboc, and katherine, and don falk, kim, ambusto and michael wright, thanks. >> i am with the hampton emergency center and representing the emergency center association, and that he just spoke about and i want to give you a brief summary of the cost effective strategis that we are presenting to you and we met with many of you already and we will be meeting with some of you, in the coming weeks. regarding our proposal for solutions to homelessness in san francisco, this is acting about just 8 million dollar, and ending in homelessness, and it is cost effective. and we are looking at providing aoe prevention and the grants and the subsidies, and medation and supportive service and supportive in the city, funded housing. out reach in education and this could reach 25,000 households in san francisco and prevent displacement of 3300 households. we are looking at housing those who do become that has proven effective and opening up affordable subsidized housing through the san francisco housing authority, and throughout our lost subsidy. a annual cost of $10