michael yearney will talk about how these spaces will be maintained over time by the project. >> an important point is that when you do capital improvements there are always questions of who maintains them. the thing that is extraordinary about this agreement is because it is a single ownership of the city has been able to negotiate an extensive permanent magnets operations provision. there are three types of public groups and public space on the project that will be covered by maintenance requirements. the public improvements that are required by the code today -- sidewalks, street enhancements -- all of the community improvements. that refers to all negotiated benefits, like the park system and the transit plaza and the real right of way, and all the transit-related pedestrian and bike-related improvements. finally, storm water management improvements. some of that infrastructure is visible. some is invisible. those are publicly-accessible items that will receive maintenance. this map is, i think, the best way to portray what the city is obligated to maintain and what the developer is oblig