steve forbes, michael zane yan sabrina shaffer carrie she will felled and mike. >> the president absolutely does not have it right. look, it puts the entire obama presidency into sharp relief this is an administration that is sort of putting -- the crucifying of children and the beheading of americans and burning people alive behind climate change. this is sort of strikes me as absurd absurd, but it strikes the american people as absurd as well. if you look at the pew research center they just did a survey 76% of american thinks terrorism should be the top priority for the president climate change second from the bottom at 38%. the only thing closer to terrorism is jobs and the economy around 76 and 75%. so this witness is once again out of touch. >> john what do you think? >> you gave me rick's slot again this week. >> you seem so comfortable will. go ahead. >> i to. i don't know what's wrong here. you know without minimizing for a second the who are roars brought on the world by terrorists, the reality if you look throughout history is that governments have killed far more people than hav