. -- michaeleary o'leary famously thrifty. they have tripled their spend on marketing this year.e this as a sign that michael o'leary is listening the purse strings? >> ryanair is still the lowest cost operator in europe, possibly in the world. it will still be less than one percent. it is tiny relative to the fuel fluctuations. i think there is a determination. increase --mall fuel is coming down. your unit cost continue to improve. i think they will still be the lowest cost. >> what about the competition? easyjet is adding more planes. they are growing in relevance. where is it when it comes to competition compared to what it was five or 10 years ago? >> we are seeing a shift. over the last few years, we had the story of ryanair taking share from legacy airlines. it is the low-cost carrier business model. they learn to respect each other and steer clear of each other's core markets. the overlap is very low. a number of the smaller low-cost carriers coming in. trying to do the same thing as easyjet and ryanair. we are seeing a bit more friction, a bit more head to head competiti