joining us via skype, micheal leider, former director of the u.s.ational counterterrorism center and the crowdstrike chief security officer shawn henry formerly with the fbi. do we need another bureaucratic agency looking at this? >> if you put another layer into this area, you are creating this -- creating some problems. if this was described as the coordination of intelligence i think there is some value. there are multiple centers where there is a lot of coordination happening. the facts are in the details. the real key is to see exactly how this is to be utilized. >> as the story was described, the president wanted to know what was happening at sony, and nobody could tell him. there was no central place to get this information. is that a real problem? >>i think it is. people are right to be dubious. they're looking for solution to solve the broader problem. i disagree with my friend shawn in that often when you have the most organizations in government looking into the problem, you actually do need that coordinating agency. this should not be vi