michel voronov in the evening is in the dardanel taking tavern so i know one.on’t be tormented very much, that this is a fantasy of the townsfolk, and counterintelligence is a clean, comfortable room in which an intelligent person in a white coat with a higher education sits and talks very politely. sanka unfortunately because of these two we have already paid. now and you do not know evgeny brodsky artists, and this flagship as soon as you will be sent. i'm asking you. agitating an order is an order. and if the lieutenant orders you to shoot me. is an officer an officer? look at him, a clingy neck under a snow-white uniform, a dirty body of a thought about women, he eats when he is hungry and itches, if he itches, he will end his dirty life stuck in the ground. and why do you make him a higher being? you serve him like dogs or like a bolt from rifles, he pits two sons against each other, extracts from this fratricidal dump, rank money, ordinates, right. i'm sorry, i. seems to have delayed see you. there is whom to eat fire to eat, i command. clever michelle th