joining me now michele bachmann dean of the robertson school of government at regent don't get upset about much bachmann but i'm upset i don't see this going very well over in europe with joe biden in charge. do you? >> well, we saw his foreign policy genius displad displayed last august when he left 84 billion worth of the finest most advanced technical equipment on earth and he handed over bagram air force base to the chinese no, i don't think so a lot of people are real happy right now or have confidence in joe biden's foreign policy expertise. we know he has been a complete failure at the economy and if he brought his report card home now to dr. jill, she would be giving him an f on economy, f on foreign policy, and i think that's why republicans in america have about a 7% confidence level in joe biden. he has completely cratered with independence in this country. democrats don't even like him much. and the fact is he could turn this around on a dime it's actually pretty simple. because we know from reports that i saw the years that i was in congress america i