the driver, michele traverso lives three miles away and is already served his time. >> so angry i can barely talk about it. i feel like such an injustice was done. it's almost embarrassing the obvious lack of sense that it makes. aaron was riding his bike with a friend along this stretch of road in miami dade county when michele traverso slammed into him. he left the scene, called his attorney and turned himself in hours later. investigators found evidence he may have been drinking. driving away made it impossible for the police to test his blood alcohol level. michele traverso was sentenced to a year in gaol for leaving the scene. >> >> patty is working through her grief and doing her best to raise a 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter. her son barely remembers daddy. >> i really tried to look at it as a challenge, and not be a victim, but be a survivor. >> somehow the dizzy widow is finding time to push for pass ig of the aaron cohen act. law professor markus wagner helped to draft the bill. >> the situation is dire. the state leads the countries in the statistics on a per cap it