us. >> good afternoon, supervisors, michelle allairs from the controllers office. i will be brief, you heard a lot of what goes on in this department. yesterday with the presentation of the revenue letter, very briefly, jen as we call it, citywide revenues and expenditures that don't belong to a particular department sit. citywide responsibilities such as baseline transfer service and other debt services are also budgeted within this department and they are administered largely by the controller's office. the single largest is about $2.1 billion of transfers from the general fund to the m.t.a., the hospitals, library and all of the other voter mandated and approved baseline expenditures. about $234 million in debt service. deposits to reserves. and citywide general fund expenses for administering health costs and other systems costs and real estate, etc.. i would be happy to answer any questions though. >> all right, well thank you. the office of general city responsibility department with no employees but it is a central fund where all the general fund dollars are