. >> good morning, my name is michelle asedo and i am the director of programs at open house and also a task force member and vice chair of the coalition of agencies serving the elderly and we are encouraged by your support of the recommendations and thrilled that you are seeking to implement a hope all of them. and i just want to say that we are a community that wants to help ourselves and we need additional funding in order to do that. and i am really encouraged to highlight the recommendation around the expansion of case management, services, to an lgbt specific case management program. and this is a critical service that our community needs. and really hoping that these recommendations that are funded through it and those that expand on the foundation that open house is established through our housing social services, and community building programs. programs that seek to reach the most under served in our community and we need to create more programs that reach out to the transgender aging community. and that bisexual aging community and the lesbian community and so i really enco