get some political pork from michelle bachmann today. o i go to michelle's office to plead with her again. michelle, bail out the wall street executives, give us some earmarks. michelle, time it raise taxes. and every day, michelle says, no, no, no, no. once again i watch my dreams of lobbyist gold disappear as michelle tells me she is just looking out for minnesota families. >> i'm mi -- michelle bachmann and i approved this message. >> we wanted that to be noticed that it is different than other political ads. i think we accomplished that. we wanted to put her in the position even if she is attacked voting against what some people, conservatives were calling a bailout, others were calling rescue package for the economic community at that point in time, that michelle's reasoning for that grounded in something more than just her being attacked as being somebody who doesn't care about families. we put in terms of her standing up to special interest groups. we're rolling along. doing okay with this. take another survey comes into our campai