but they felt that their precursor to that michelle bonnier the chief associate are saying they wantedkstopped proposal and was rebuffed on compromising me by the prime minister and she then wrote an on compromising op ed in the german newspaper the morning of the summit, they felt she was then very on, my think i'm in the speech he gave over dinner and also asking for ministers and presidents of europe to think about how domestic political situations and they say they have got their own to think of as well. and so they put the point to me that if she was so on compromising, her stance it made them have to be on optimising in there as well otherwise it would have seemed at the summit as if they were about to compromise their brexit principles which is not what they were about to do. so it was kind of a hard corner and a hard corner rather than any attempt to humiliate the prime minister or puts her in a difficult political situation. well there's two points i've made, the first is a we talk about the eu as one sort of continuous whole but there's the member states in the commission and