says parenting expert michelle borba. says start when they're young and keep on talking, and give examples of what can go wrong. >> use their world in terms of a tv show, a wonderful news article. let's go to the internet and do some searches, look for the number of car crashes of kids who were on drugs. >> we're going to try the test again. >> i'm johnny. >> kristina. >> jordan. i'm 16 years old. >> but this time we planted a different actor, joe, who will tell the group he's drinking. >> i have a nice buzz. >> and an accomplice, lauren will make sure everyone believes joe is drunk. >> what's in here? >> i'll be watching along with the teens' parents and dr. robert terisi, a professor and consultant to mothers against drunk driving. 1 in 5 males will drink and drive. females much less. >> reporter: he says the latest statistics show teen drinking and driving kills as many as 1,500 people a year. >> can't hold your liquor? >> i hold my liquor. >> like before, we'll hand our actor keys to an suv and these kids will have to