joining me now krystal ball, a democratic strategist and michelle goldberg, senior writer for "newsweekhe daily beast." krystal, this was one of those stunt votes that they throw up there on the floor of the house, both parties do it from time to time trying to put the other party in the position of casting a difficult vote. how do you think this one is going to play and how is it going to work in the congressional elections coming up? is this something they'll be able to use against democrats when running. >> that was certainly the intent as you accurately point out, i mean they're desperate to do anything that says, look, we are on the side of women. we're fighting for women and as you put it, i mean this was a stunt and a stunt they didn't intend to pass which is why it was brought up in this way where it would require 2/3 vote. in a way i see a parallel to the voter i.d. laws that have been passed across the country. it's the sort of thing that at first blush you go, okay, voter i.d., that makes sense and voters say, okay, that makes sense but don't realize that, number one, they're